The Fika Sessions episode 1: Narrative in video games


Do you dream of developing games, but aren’t sure where to start, or how development works in practice? You’re not alone. The games industry might seem huge and complicated, with a myriad of different disciplines and roles that can be hard to understand.

You might dream about writing a script for a game, but how do you organize and execute a project of that size and complexity? What tools do a level designer work with and how do they collaborate with the other development teams to create the final product?

During The Fika Sessions we invite you to come and sit down with our game developers and learn all about game development, as we deep dive into their respective areas of expertise.

What better way to learn all the details about how to create a game than by sitting in comfortable chairs, having coffee and pastries, while listening to the experts tell us everything we want to know?

The idea for the Fika Sessions is to be a source of knowledge and inspiration, as well as give you tips and tricks for what you can do straight away to take the first steps towards your dream job.

If you’re not Swedish, by now you might be thinking “that sounds great, but what is a ‘Fika’”? Let our host Petter Mårtensson explain it to you in our concept trailer:

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Ready to sit down, listen and learn? Grab that hot beverage and let’s dig in the first episode, featuring Lead Writer Anna Megill.

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Want to listen to the episode as a podcast? It’s available on Soundcloud.

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